CHAO Vox is an innovative platform dedicated to redefining the digital reading experience. In the field of traditional media and content creation, users are often just passive information consumers, while content creators often face unfair income distribution. We believe that blockchain and Web3 technology provide opportunities for building a more fair and valuable reading ecosystem<

CHAO Vox has introduced a unique and exciting feature called "Reading Mining", which is an unprecedented way for users to earn tokens by reading articles, just like mining treasures! Every article is a treasure waiting for users to discover

Our goal is to provide users with a brand new reading experience, allowing them to achieve practical economic returns during the reading process. By reading mining, users' reading time and knowledge sharing will be rewarded, allowing them to gain true value in the digital world. CHAO Vox is not only a content platform, but also a social mining experience that allows users to share and grow with friends, and explore the infinite possibilities of the digital world together

In this white paper, we will provide a detailed introduction to CHAO Information on Vox's vision, platform features, token economy, users and communities, technical architecture, and other aspects to help you better understand our mission and values, as well as how to join us in exploring the future of digital reading